Reserving your spot is required for all classes even if you are paying a drop in fee.  


Here are some options to help you

  • BOOK NOW AND PAY LATER: you can pay by cash or card at the desk 
    • To reserve your spot in this class and pay with cash, please complete the form below. Once submitted, your registration will be confirmed via email.

      💵 Cash Payment Instructions:

      • Payments must be made in person at the front desk before class begins.
      • Exact change is appreciated.
      • If you need to cancel before class starts, please go to the contact us page and send a message to open up the spot for someone else who may want to book.

      POLICY ON CASH OPTIONS: we are holding a spot for you without payment up front.  This means that if you no show, you will not be allowed to book with the cash option moving forward (there are extenuating circumstances that we will allow).  Your reservation is MANUALLY input, so please only fill out the form ONCE and allow us time to book it for you.  PLEASE BE SURE TO SIGN THE WAIVER BEFORE THE CLASS (We require one waiver on file for you, so if you have already done this, please disregard it)  WAIVER

  • BOOK NOW AND PAY NOW: If you have already been to the gym, you probably have an account.  All you have to do is reset your password (forgot password) or just log in.  You DO NOT need a membership to create an account, it just makes future booking easier. You can pay online now to save time (no additional fees apply and you will be refunded if you cancel before the start of class) BOOK NOW
  • HAVE A COUPON?: Message us
  • Members can just book online or in the app using their plan.

Book now & pay later

This just reserves your spot.  You can pay at the desk when you arrive.  



We can’t wait to see you in class! 💪✨



Get In Touch 

 6 North Pennslyvania Ave



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